Make A Donation

Keepers of Hope is a 501c (3) Public Charity. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.

Thank You!

Thank you for joining the Keepers of Hope Community, and please know that it is contributions like yours that allows us to live up to our vision statement: Keeping Hope Alive by doing small things with Great Love.
Thank You!

Your donation allows Keepers of Hope to support other Non-Profits, organizations and communities to fulfill their unique and critical missions. Keepers of Hope has been organized and staffed to address unforeseen needs/ requests quickly and efficiently, allowing the organization’s staffers to remain focused on their organization’s mission. A $10 donation can have a great impact on our ability to serve others or, as we prefer to think of it, Keep Hope Alive.

Thank you for joining the Keepers of Hope Community, and please know that it is contributions like yours that allows us to live up to our vision statement: Keeping Hope Alive by doing small things with Great Love.

You may donate online or by check. Please make all donation checks payable to Keepers of Hope, and mail to the below address.

Keepers of Hope
PO Box 3703
San Angelo TX 76902

With a Grateful Heart,
Debbie Sonberg
Executive Director
Keepers of Hope

©2025 Keepers of Hope
San Angelo Web Design - Website Design & Hosting - San Angelo, Texas