Keepers of Hope - Connecting Donors and Charitable Organizations

MHMR Services for the Concho Valley – ABC Center 5-28-2019

Organization: MHMR Services for the Concho Valley

Keepers of Hope,
I would like to thank Keepers of hope, and to say that the staff and I at the ABC Center are sincerely appreciative of your gift to us. This purchase will mean the world to our kids.

Mrs. Sonberg and I discussed the needs of the Children’s Autism Clinic. Mrs. Sonberg asked me if there was something the Clinic needed. I mentioned to her that we were in need of wall padding to keep our children safe from hurting themselves during a crisis event while in therapy. We had ordered the padding, but the postage was extremely high. Mrs. Sonberg stated not to worry; she would help. After a couple of days, I received the call that I could move forward with my purchase; Keepers of Hope would be able to assist. At that time, I informed Mrs. Sonberg that someone else was going to donate the padding to our Clinic. I asked Mrs. Sonberg if I could request that Keepers of Hope allow us to purchase a tarp that we could place over our swing set. With Summer coming a tarp would be of necessity. The kids look forward to playing outdoors. With Keepers of Hope purchasing the tarp for us, will allow our kids to be able to continue to play outdoors.

The staff here is always trying to find ways to make it a better and a safe place for our kids to come to. And with this donation it makes our job a lot easier to accomplish our goals. This contribution will positively impact our Clinic in a big way.

Barbara Leyva,
ABC Center Program Manager